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While Lando is actually a library that can be implemented various ways it ships with a command line interface by default. The command line interface is dynamic which means if it detects a Landofile it will augment your list of available commands with any relevant tooling that has been set up by that Landofile.

If you do not run most of these commands in a directory that contains a Landofile you will likely not get the expected result.

Windows users must use a real, non-emulated, TTY

This is an upstream "restriction" imposed on us by NodeJS and python. We recommend using the shell shipped with Git for Windows but only the cmd.exe variant NOT the one powered by minTTY. That said your safest bet is to use cmd.exe or PowerShell. Other shells may work but have not been tested.

If your shell does not work you will likely see an error message like the input device is not a TTY. See